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Luzerne, PA

Tuxedo, Suit & Formalwear

The population of the town of Luzerne which is located within Luzerne County is 2,845. The borough lies alongside the Susquehanna River and was settled in 1807, later incorporated in 1882.

Tuxedo By Sarno store is located in nearby Wilkes-Barre which is only 3.75 miles away.

The town of Luzerne has supported the coal mining industry, drill factories, a canning factory, feed and flour mills, a silk mill, and a foundry over the years.

Locations Near You

Less Than 10 Minutes From Luzerne, PA
Tuxedo By Sarno Wilkes Barre, PA
77 East Market Street Genetti’s
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
Wedding Tuxedos
Prom Tuxedos

Average Rating 4.9 out of 5 stars

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