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• Common Questions

Below are questions we get fairly regularly. Have a question for us that’s not covered? Contact a location near you to learn more!

  1. Can I try on tuxedo or suit options in my size before we make a final decision?

    Tuxedo by Sarno offers our wedding customers a groom try-on that will allow you to try on your styles in your size before you decide. Having confidence in the clothing you wear on your wedding day is an important part of the Tuxedo by Sarno experience.

  2. How much will I be charged to register my wedding or event with you?

    It is completely free to register your wedding, quinceañera, or other event with our company.

  3. If I bring in a swatch of my bridesmaid or quinceañera dress swatch, can you show me samples of a matching vest and tie?

    Absolutely. We have 100s of different colors and color combinations to look at in each of our showrooms. Every year we work closely with dress and vest manufacturers to match the latest bridal colors form nearly all major manufacturers.

  4. Do you have samples of all your tuxedos in the store? Or, would I mostly pick out of a catalog?

    At our showrooms, you can see all of your choices on display. There is no need to pick your attire from a catalog. Visit your local Tuxedo by Sarno Store to see in person the exciting styles and colors we have for your big day.

  5. Can you accommodate same day deliveries for party members who need last minute changes?

    Yes. Each Tuxedo by Sarno location is equipped to make adjustments to orders with back up merchandise and basic alteration services on the premises. Should a larger change be necessary, our Northeast PA based Service Center is nearby to support additional changes within 24 hours.

  6. How can I manage and track my wedding party online?

    The wedding manager system gives you the ability to see the status and styles of each of your party members, 24/7. The information to log-in to your wedding manager will be provided to you when you register your wedding. Features of the system allow you to invite party members to be fitted, review their styles and accessory colors, see their prices, and see who has been fitted and who has not.

  7. Can you show me the tuxedos you offer for a ringbearer discount?

    We offer special savings for ringbearers on ALL of the styles except the ultra collection.

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